My research focuses on the intersection between Philosophy of Language and Political Philosophy. I currently have three research projects:

  1. Slurs: explaining slurs in terms of the speech acts of derogation
  2. Ethics of Interpretation: When someone says something, which interpretation is fair?
  3. Moral Psychology of Offense: exploring questions about the nature, the aptness, and the values of taking offense.


Works in Progress

  • Saving Descriptivism from Kripke (under review)
  • Toward an Ethics of Interpretation (in preparation)
  • A Psycholinguistic Account of Politically Loaded Words (in preparation)
  • Two Arguments against Hybrid Theories (in preparation)

Research Grants

2022. Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Project, “Arguments against Descriptivism” (2022EZX001)

2022. Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Double First-Class” Starting Research Grant, (WH220509001)

2021. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Research Grant, “How Language Expresses Values” (2021M700265)


2019. Derogatory Words and Speech Acts: An Illocutionary Force Indicator Theory of Slurs. University of Western Ontario