Online Philosophy Workshop Series
The Online Philosophy Workshop Series, hosted by philosophers at Peking University, is an informal event where colleagues across China meet online to discuss their works in progress. It aims at promoting collaboration in a difficult time of in-person meetings. Since the summer of 2020, the Online Workshop Series has provided helpful feedbacks to many participants.
Past Events
- 4/15/2021, “Propositions as Acts of Saying,” Thomas Hodgson (Shanxi University)
- 3/19/2021, “That’s Not What I Meant: Toward an Ethics of Interpretation,” Chang Liu (Peking University)
- 12/3/2020, “Three Principles of Abstract Reference,” Zuzanna Gnatek (Trinity College Dublin/Shanxi University)
- 8/25/2020, “Believing on Eggshells“, Julius Schönherr (Peking University)
- 8/11/2020, “The Sensory Form of Mind-Independence“, Ivan Ivanov (Shandong University)
- 7/28/2020, “Russellian Act-type Theories of Propositions,” Thomas Hodgson (Shanxi University)
- 7/14/2020, “Beyond Belief“, Sebastian Sunday Grève (Peking University)